Renowned Nigerian actress and comedian, Helen Paul, has recounted the story of how she was able to secure a visa to relocate to America after previously...
Famous female talking-drummer and the cultural ambassador of the Ooni of Ife, Aralola Olamuyiwa, simply known as Ara, has recounted how people tried to discourage her...
Veteran actor Ramsey Nouah has partnered with Chris Odeh and Joy Odiete to launch a new production company, ‘BRS Studios’, which is aimed at telling great...
Renowned filmmaker and actress, Hope Omenihu Samuel, has won the prestigious award as she joins the list of distinguished recipients of ‘President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua International...
Prominent Nigerian actress and movie producer, Toyin Abraham Ajeyemi, has urged parents on the importance of training up children with good character and values – as...
Popular actress and social media influencer, Eniola Badmus, has expressed ‘thanks’ to the Nigerian Speaker of House of Representatives, Hon. Abbas Tajudeen, for appointing her as...
Afrobeats singer, Ayra Starr, has stated that she doesn’t think there is rivalry between her colleagues, Asake and Seyi Vibez. Meanwhile, Asake and Seyi Vibez have...
Popular talented Nigerian singer and actress, Tiwa Savage, has criticized some fans who are excessively enthusiastic and emotional. She expressed her frustration with being constantly compared...
Popular Nollywood actor, Uzor Arukwe, has described his character in Nigeria’s highest box office grossing film, ‘A Tribe Called Judah’ as the most challenging role he...
Renowned Nigerian-American gospel artiste, Tomi Favored, has released her highly anticipated new single titled ‘Jesus Na You.’ The soul-lifting single conveys a powerful expression of gratitude,...